Legislature Passes Bill to Change Misdemeanor Vacate Law; Awaits Governor’s Signature
New law should expedite eligibility to petiton to vacate gross misdemeanor and misdemeanor offenses for most cases.
New law should expedite eligibility to petiton to vacate gross misdemeanor and misdemeanor offenses for most cases.
The Washington Legislature is considering two bill that could provide new opportunities for those serving long prison sentences to get early release.
Washington Legislature will consider making significant changes to misdemeanor-gross misdemeanor vacate law.
A Governor's pardon is a unique remedy. This blog describes what a pardon actually is, and describes the process for how to apply for a pardon.
The laws affecting loss of firearm rights, and restoration of firearm rights, have changed in Washington State. This blog explains these new laws.
Our office receives a lot of phone calls this time of year as people resolve to start the year looking into clearing old conviction records. A common issue that arises is the failure to pay off legal financial obligations in those cases. This blog will focus on the new laws that are now in effe...
Supreme Court ruling clarifies discretion standard for considering vacate request.
Summary of options to vacate marijuana conviction in Washington State.
The State Legislature is in session and a proposed bill may make substantial changes to how a person may qualify to vacate a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor conviction record. House Bill 1681 proposes to make the following changes: Under current law, a person seeking to vacate a misdemeanor ...
The State Legislature is in session and a proposed bill may make substantial changes to how courts impose and collect financial penalties (i.e. legal financial obligations) from those convicted of crimes. These changes could impact the rules for vacating criminal convictions. First, it is import...
The State Legislature is in session and a proposed bill may make substantial changes to how a person may restore firearm rights following a felony or misdemeanor conviction. Senate Bill 5561 proposes to make the following changes: Clarifies the waiting periods that must be met prior to petiti...
A petition to vacate an adult criminal charge is not automatic. Merely proving that you are legally eligible to vacate does not guarantee that your request will be granted. The final decision always remains in the discretion of the trial court judge.
Washington Supreme Court: Deferred Sentence Dismissal Not the Same as Vacated Conviction
Two Robertson Law clients recently received full pardons from the Washington State governor.
Robertson Law secures unanimous votes from clemency and pardons board for two clients
New Washington State vacate law changes the landscape of what can be vacated and when.
New vacate law to be signed by Washington Governor Inslee and will dramatically change the landscape for vacate options available to those looking to clear old criminal charges.
The New Hope Act has passed the Washington State Legislature and could dramatically increase the options available for vacate petitions.
Proposed new "vacate" bill in Washington State House of Representatives may provide new avenues for vacating convictions previously ineligible to be vacated.
New Washington State House bill may expand the eligibility of defendants to vacate certain felonies and misdemeanors if enacted into law.
Proposed legislation could make changes to laws impacting ability to vacate misdemeanor convictions in Washington
Washington Supreme Court decision clarifies the length of a restraining order must not extend past the length of a domestic violence suspended sentence. This effectively shortens the period of time a defendant must wait before they are eligible to vacate their DV offense.
Seattle City Attorney to seek vacation of convictions for marijuana charges.
Washington Supreme Court soon to make an important ruling related to timing of when clients may be eligible to vacate felony convictions.
It has been almost four years since the Washington Supreme Court issued its decision in Hundtofte v. Encarnacion. This decision was meant to give guidance to courts on standards to use to decide whether to seal court records. As I wrote several years back, the Courts decision did the opposite. U...
The attorneys of Robertson Law have a proven track record of creative and effective advocacy for clients throughout the state of Washington.
Ryan Robertson's practice focuses exclusively on high-quality creative appellate representation in criminal and administrative matters, as well as expungements, vacation of records, and petitions to seal.